
How To Collect Money On Facebook Marketplace

Deciding where to sell your stuff to make more money can exist overwhelming, but you can apply an app you already accept to declutter your home.

Facebook Marketplace works similar apps such equally Craigslist, Mercari and OfferUp. You tin list practically anything right from your Facebook profile on a computer or mobile device: items you no longer accept use for, vehicles for sale, rental properties — even a task for hire.

In this article, nosotros're going to take you through the steps to go started making extra cash with Facebook Marketplace.

How to Utilize Facebook Marketplace

Stride i: Access Facebook Marketplace

Y'all can become to Facebook Marketplace from your smartphone or desktop. Just click the storefront icon to the left on your News Feed, or go direct to

Where to find Facebook Marketplace on the Facebook Homepage.

Step 2: Postal service Your Item

Click "Create New List" on the left side of your screen.

How to create a listing on Facebook Marketplace.

Then choose the full general category where your post belongs.

The listing type on a new listing for Facebook Marketplace.

After that, fill in the item details, including the specific category, price, location, clarification and pictures of the item. I listed a pair of shoes for $15 and waited for a message.

Item for sale listing preview details on Facebook Marketplace.

If yous don't know how to price an detail, research the contest by searching Facebook Market to see what other people are asking. Buyers on Facebook Marketplace volition often endeavor to haggle with you to get a lower price, then keep that in mind.

If you are listing multiple items on a single mail, setting the official post cost at $1 and adding more details on individual pictures may attract potential buyers.

Important: Earlier you take pictures of the item you're selling, you should make clean it up to brand information technology more than appealing!

Step 3: Expect for Buyers

I waited a 24-hour interval and a one-half earlier I received whatsoever messages most my listing. Later about a day, I lowered the toll of the shoes I posted from $15 to $ten in an attempt to attract more interest.

Keep in mind that interested people will contact yous via Facebook Messenger and comments, so bank check your account regularly to answer to prospective buyers speedily.

Facebook organizes the messages nigh your items under each post in the "Your Listings" section.

Messages under listings on Facebook Marketplace.

You can widen the area where you desire to sell or join local exchange groups if y'all want more people to see your listing. You may have to travel a little farther to run across a buyer, and then keep your transportation costs in heed when broadening your post area.

Some other manner to get more people to meet your wares is to list them on multiple platforms like Mercari, Craigslist and OfferUp. Doing this increases the chances of someone seeing your item and getting it sold more apace.

If your post still isn't alluring buyers, you lot can boost your post by making it an advertisement. Boosting a post is probably worth it only if y'all are selling a high-value particular or many items that yous've grouped together in a single listing.

To heave your post, set your budget, add the amount of time you desire the ad to run, then pay Facebook. Facebook accepts credit, debit and PayPal, simply it also gives y'all the choice to link a depository financial institution business relationship directly.

How to boost a post on Facebook Marketplace.

Step iv: Arrange the Auction

Facebook doesn't handle transactions, so y'all don't pay a fee like you lot would on eBay. This means that yous have to arrange payment with the buyer.

Facebook recommends PayPal or cash, but you can also employ another person-to-person payment method like Venmo or Cash App. Whatever yous choose, make certain that you lot communicate how yous'd like to be paid with the heir-apparent earlier you meet them.

Rubber is some other consideration when coming together someone to sell an detail. Bringing someone with you and completing the transaction in a public area with people around are both recommended.

Facebook has a list of tips for safely buying and selling on their market here.

Step v: Marking It Sold!

This stride is simple! Once you sell your item, click the "Marking every bit Sold" button so that people know information technology's off the market.

Active items for sale on Facebook Marketplace that you can Mark as Sold once the item sells..

Take yous used Facebook Market or another platform to sell your stuff? Let us know in the comments beneath!

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